Firewalla Tutorial: Microsegmentation and Segmentation with AP7




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    Since VqLAN comes at the loss of the 6GHz band, maybe create a comparative VqLAN vs VLAN table, pros and cons of each, what you can and cannot do one vs the other.

    Other than the option to leave MAC randomization turned on, I do not yet see a clear advantage to use VqLAN vs VLAN.

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    It’s not vqlan that you lose 6ghz, it’s personal key which you also lose wpa3, but this is due to the specifications not a firewalla issue, Ubiquity and other vendors are the same from what I can tell when googling.
    vqlan is good if you do not want to bother with a VLAN allowing some to keep the network flat and simple.

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    @Andy is correct. VqLAN is a group access control function, and Personal Key is a group assignment function (people log in using personal ID x, assign to the guest group, or guest VLAN). 

    If you don't want to lose the 6ghz, using a separate SSID will do the same.

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