How do you keep your network unchanged in DHCP mode? (Legacy; for Red/Blue/Blue Plus)




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    When can we expect this in the production release?  (Aka, I went hunting for every reference of 192.168.218.x, found a bunch, found a ./.firewalla-something-save(?), then after about 30 minutes realized I should have probably imaged the sd card first. I can re-image the sd card, but if you're ready to push to to prod I'll chill for a bit before fixing my box.)  (btw, loved hunting down all the monkey test files...) (PPS... bang up job, got two reds and a blue, love them, keep at it!)

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    I don't use DHCP on my router but have my own DHCP server since I like to manage what IPs are assigned to which device. Is there a mode where firewalla has an ip on the existing subnet and I just modify my DHCP config to point to the firewalla ip as the gateway ip? Of course, someone can just bypass firewalla by manually setting the gateway ip back.

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