Abnormal Upload Alarms Tutorial




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    Stephen Williams

    The abnormal upload alarm feature is useless until it can learn what is really abnormal or not.  LIke the previous poster and many others on the help forum, I get *constant* abnormal upload alarms for my (multiple) Ring devices - ie dozens per day.  The behavior is normal, yet Firewalla is not learning that this is normal after multiple weeks.  So now I just have to mute the alarm on each of these devices, which means I won't get an alarm if something truly abnormal does start happening on these devices.  :-(


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    Can this feature be enhanced to allow for us to set "only alert if X amount of data over Y amount of time?" Or X amount of throughput over Y amount of time?

    I don't care that 1 megabyte got uploaded to some S3 bucket by some IOT device, unfortunately that's probably quite normal for any IOT device.  But what I do care about is if my IOT Cameras are normally idling at 64bps throughput (background pings / keep-alives / heartbets) and suddenly a device spikes to 1 mbps for more than 1 minute. That tells me that the device is actively streaming data, like somebody is listening in on an echo device or watching a live video stream. 


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    Tony Nowinowski

    Thanks for the article, but there is room for improvement. Using your example above, if you are first going to monitor a device for a while to get a baseline, on say a camera, it should see that uploads over time are normal. The abnormal would be uploads larger than average, destinations say to risky countries, or just other countries outside of the average. Maybe you can build the logic overtime based on what the box sees, and the feedback from the user about the alarms, to update the baseline. 

    I get constant abnormal upload alarms on my Ring doorbell, they are really just normal uploads. 

    Keep up the great work!!! Thanks!

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    I like this feature, but the lack of how to mute is what needs improved.

    For example, I keep getting Abnormal Upload on my proxy server in the house. I would like to mute the alert just for one INTERNAL system. The only option I am given is muting the alert to the destination of the abnormal upload IP for all devices. 

    I want to mute the abnormal destination only for one internally system, not all my devices

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    Firewalla Team

    @mozarella It supports mute domains for a specific device, and we are working on something new :)

    On Web, you can do it via Alarms -> Alarms Settings -> Abnormal Upload -> Create Mute Setting -> Matching [domain] -> On [your device]

    On APP, it's  Alarms -> Alarms Settings -> Abnormal Upload -> Mute Setting -> Add destination -> next -> Apply To




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    about ring devices. Wouldn't it be easier to "mute" the alarm not per each device instead of muting the domain for all devices, where the ring-system is connecting to? I don't know the ring-system actually, but it'll connect to one domain, isn't it?

    If the abnormal thing happens through hacking the domain and go the "official" way, firewalla also can't know that's abnormal. If the abnormal thing happens over another domain, then the alert will still be activated.

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