Everything about Firewalla DHCP Mode (Legacy)




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    cristina nelson

    Nice article, I'm a fan of fritzbox-7590. They have a pretty good solution to the problem -- revocation to an IP address. A simple hash to get one IP is the most trivial of the solutions I could think of. If the router is compromising your laptop's IP, it is unlikely your router has compromised your router's network. And if you think that the router is compromised, it isn't at all likely that it is compromised.

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    David Koppenhofer

    "*Note: Firewalla Gold in DHCP mode does not offer these options, it will always config overlay network as the same network as the primary one. The resulting configuration is the same as method 2 in this document: How to keep your network unchanged in DHCP Mode?"

    It looks like method 2 is swapping the 2 subnets, while method 1 is having both networks the same. Is method 1 equivalent to what Gold uses?

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    Mustafa Haider


    I have got Virgin Media Hub 5, As soon as I connect Firewalla to the router, router stop working i.e. internet disconnects. Not sure why, could not figure out. 

    Could you please let me know what shall I do?



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    Good morning.  Just saw your note that DHCP mode is going away.  I have a firewalla blue+ what mode should i switch to?  or is my device just becoming obsolete now? 


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