How to manually upgrade Linux package on your Firewalla box




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    Is there a method to remove packages installed this way? To ensure they are not re-installed after reboot after removed with apt-get? Was trying to install mailutils to use mail in a cronjob script for log rotation, but I don't think I want to leave the package....

    Haha I know I am on my own here, but thought I'd ask... 

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    Taylor, this document might've been updated after you commented. Presently, the way to remove a package is to reboot the system:

    > Firewalla locks the base OS partition to ensure the stability of the base system, any OS change is kept in temporary storage (disk or memory), and all these changes will be reverted after reboot. For example, if you use apt to install the package, it will be reverted after reboot.

    If you have a persistent cron job, then you should remove the portion of your script that installs the packages you do not want to keep.

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    Is there a method to remove packages installed using this script?

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