- Please purchase used units from a reputable source. Make sure you get the original order ID, order email, or name.
If you plan to sell your Firewalla, please do the following:
- Please follow this guide to reset your Firewalla. https://help.firewalla.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004370213-How-to-Reset-Firewalla-Box-
- It is also best to follow the above link and "flash" the Firewalla. (it is also good to flash it a couple of times)
If you purchased a used Firewalla, please do the following:
- Please ensure all the parts are included with the used Firewalla
- Firewalla unit
- The QR License Key (square sticker under the unit).
- Power cables/power brick
- The serial number sticker (Gold series only)
- Ask them about the following in case of a warranty issue:
- The original buyer's name
- The Order Number
- The original buyer's email address that was used on the order, if possible. (optional)
- After you get the unit
- Don't assume the seller has reset the Firewalla. Follow this guide to reset your Firewalla to protect yourself. Follow this and FLASH the unit: https://help.firewalla.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004370213-How-to-Reset-Firewalla-Box-
- Check out How to migrate data from one Firewalla Box to another.
- Our Warranty is tied to the hardware and not any owner. But to make processing of any claim faster, it is always good to know the original purchaser's name, order number, and email address if possible.
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