Timed... Emergency access for kids
I've set some rules for my list of iOS device and PS4, for kids.
But quite often I need to relax the "timeout" for some reasons (maybe a sort of 1hr playtime award), and in that case I enable the "emergency access".
But... I often forget to disable the emergency access (kids happy, ok...).
Would it be possible to enable the emergency access on a timed rule? For instance after 1h30' the emergency access automatically disables.
Possibly with an easy UX... such as:
On two lines you have the emergency access switch and, on the second line, a "time to disable" switch: when i enable it i get a window to confirm the last timeout counter (eg. 1h 30', and the number is then reported, in small, to the right of the "time to disable" switch).
The snooze function is coming in 1.972 https://help.firewalla.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500000891801-Firewalla-Box-Release-1-972
I've seen the SNOOZE in 1.972:
pls consider the snooze options (15min, 1hr, always) are too limited:
my specific use case is the kid coming home from school... "hey, I've taken an A, let me play the PS4 all this afternoon...". In a similar case... snoozing for 1hr would kill the connection just in the middle of a match, with my kid in version "fire ball" (just that upset :-)))).
Therefore I suggest adding a fourth option, that you can customise in settings (or one of the timed 2, 15min/1hr).
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