Blocking only outbound traffic



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    Anthony G

    Jonathan, is your server on an internal network? Does it have a static IP address?

    I believe the more specific firewall rule will win in a conflict, so if you have a rule that blocks all inbound traffic, and another rule that allows inbound from a single IP address, then you should be able to block all inbound traffic except for that single IP address.

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    Jonathan Phan

    Anthony,  thank you for taking the time to answer my question.  After spending more time with the router, I found a way of accomplish the tasks under RULES.

    However, I have a follow up question.  In most router/firewall, the order of the rules does make a difference in how to determine the flow of traffic.  In Firewalla, I can see the list of rules but have no way to re-order them.  How does Firewalla prioritize the rules?  Is there a way to change the order?


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    see this document for ordering

    Allow always take precedence over block.  And within allow or block, no ordering

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