Displaying box status on the dashboard



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    We usually don't like expose internals, but for MSP, it is probably a good idea; Assuming MSP users are professionals, and fully understand computer chips can operate at 80C :)



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    Those stats (and a few more) are already presented upon logging in to the console or via ssh. Having them presented and graphed in MSP would make it much easier to notice any trends or outliers. :)

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    Arty Martinez

    Any new developments around exposing the temperature in MSP real-time and historically? For use cases where it's running in a warmer environment it may be useful for troubleshooting purposes.

    I ran into an issue where my box was running extra hot and I suspected packets were being dropped but wasn't able to effectively troubleshoot it. This would allow us to correlate potential issues against heat-related issues.

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    Temperature is rarely an issue on our products, but I do understand in certain situations, it may be useful for MSPs. Let me see if we can add it to the inventory view, something like below. (I don't think it can be streamed, but we will do our best)

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    Arty Martinez

    I don’t think it needs to be streamed. Just current temperature, and ideally if the effort is going to be made, a clickable link to show a graph historically over X period of time. Last 24hrs for example or even 7 day trend.

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