Route to IP that is not an interface on the box



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    Usually, this is done via DNS, where the DNS entry for your http/https domain point to a proxy. Is this what you are trying to do?

    Also, when you route, the next hop usually is an interface

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    Tim O'Connor

    I want to forward all http/https traffic to a cloud proxy server.  I'd prefer to do this with GRE or IPSec tunnels,  but since Firewalla support neither, I need to forward the traffic to a device that does.  It would be easy to add GRE support since it's in the OS already. 

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    Tim O'Connor

    @firewalla. How about adding GRE tunnel as a "Network"

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    James Willhoite

    Doesn’t support IPSec via the UI but you can install strongswan and set it up under the hood. I had that setup for the past 2 years. Just turned it off tonight in favor of WireGuard site to site.

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    Tim O'Connor

    How do you add route for the vpn. CLI?

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    James Willhoite

    It’s been awhile but I did create a how to on GitHub. I haven’t looked at it for awhile and will require some adjustments but you can take a look.

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