Configure rules for port 22
Hello FW...
I have a FWG. Trying to configure for ssh (22) such that the connection blocks everything but only allows ingress connection for a range of IP addresses. My ssh server is a VM under my created group called "VM:
I've done so by doing:
1) Create a group rule in "VM" to block all access matching local port 22, and traffic from Internet.
2) Then i do a port forwarding for the ssh device to allow local port 22 matching the Target List, where my Target List contains the IP addresses that i want to whitelist.
However, this doesnt seems to work - i tested by initiating a ssh connection in the whitelisted IP network, the connection was refused. I then initiated ssh connection using VPN to an IP that is not whitelisted, the connection was refused.
Then i pause the Block rule, connection from both whitelisted IP and non whitelisted IP were accepted.
Quite weird... any advice?
Thank you!
If you do not limit anything, does your ssh to port 22 work?
For port limit see this
see if this helps
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