Firewalla Gold stuck on old ISP for DHCP?
I moved from Spectrum to AT&T Fiber. My hope was that my Firewalla Gold would adjust automatically. This is where it gets weird. I have connectivity to the Internet from my devices going through a wireless AP into the Firewalla Gold and through the AT&T router/gateway. However, if I look at the IP that the Internet knows me as, it says it's 108.69.x.x. If I look at the WAN IP address that the Firewalla has, it says 72.238.211.y which happens to belong to Spectrum. I configured the AT&T router/gateway to use IP Passthrough. How is it that the Firewalla is getting a completely wrong IP address? The Firewalla also tells me that the Internet connection is lost, and speedtest fails from the Firewalla. Speedtest from my connected device works correctly. If I run network diagnostics on the Firewalla, it connects properly and shows the correct IP. If I go back to the network settings for the WAN port, it's still wrong. I'm thinking I will need to factory reset the Firewalla and start from scratch. Is there another way? Thank you in advance.
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