Using ports on my router( in the AP mode)
I looked for these info and I could not find it.
I have ordered purple and reading up support materials on setup and configuration.
As I understand the best way to setup purple is in the router mode and switch your original router in AP mode.
Will I be able to use network ports on my original router Asus?
I also have unmanaged switch GS108. Do I connect it to Asus(AP) ?
Do I set my network up as follows( On the last line I tried to show with <-/ \-> symbols that the arrows are coming from Asus on the previous line ):
Modem->Purple->Asus(in the AP mode)->GS108(unmanaged switch)->Clients
Wireless Clients <-/ \->Network ports on Asus->Clients
Should work.
If you want to learn more, check
Will I be able to use network ports on my original router Asus?
If you are asking if you can use the ethernet ports on your ASUS, yes.
I also have unmanaged switch GS108. Do I connect it to Asus(AP) ?
You can. But if you need VLANs you will need a managed switch.
Your configuration is fine so long as you don't require any VLANs. You could also put the switch in front of the ASUS.
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