Can we use Firewalla Gold to allow incoming traffic to our disaster recovery office so that users can work from home via our remote access solution?



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    I am not understanding if you want to run the gold in your office or run the gold in the client side. If you want to run the gold on the client side, does pulse secure speak OpenVPN or wireguard?

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    S Intanai

    Ignore when I mentioned the blue version at home.  I just mentioned it to reference that I am using Firewalla for my private use at home.

    I manage corporate firewalls.  I plan to set up a DR site with a firewall so I was thinking of using Firewalla Gold as we do not need to keep paying for subscription.  However, I am unsure if we can allow in coming traffic for users who work from home in the DR case.  Our remote access solution is Pulse Secure and certain ports need to be opened for users to connect back to the DR site.  Pulse Secure has it own VPN client.  Once the users have  successfully authenticated, Pulse Secure will allow users access to internal resources.  We will have a valid IP address on the Internet.

    Can I create rules to allow incoming traffic (any IP addresses) to our Pulse Secure in DMZ (NAT) on various ports?

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    Yes, you can create port forwarding and allow, see the section

    If you don't limit it, then it is allowed from anywhere. DMZ configuration is also under the network manager NAT section

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    S Intanai

    Thank you for your reply.  Will certainly have a look at the link you provided.

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