Network Topology Diagrams



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    This would be wonderful and I love your diagram. But I doubt they have the back end to be able to support and topological map creation on. The push of a button. You’d be lucky to get a relationship flow similar to a Zigbee mesh topology. It can be done. But the resources and software that would take I think would require it to be a separate feature and add on. Just my 2cp and ice worked on several very large designs similar to yours. Even back with HPOpenview, it took a lot of manual design and layout to get it to look that nice and filled out.

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    Firewalla can only see upstream and also downstream devices, or whatever is physically connected. So you have that view already under the devices tree. 

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    Michael Bierman

    Agree with LoRdNeX. Unifi does a really good job but only when you use their switches and APs so they can try to figure out the topology. Anytime you use other equipment their topology map fails to some extent.

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    Okay @Firewalla, how about a compromise to make a sys admin's life a little easier? It would be very useful if I could simply export all device and network data into a csv or copy it onto my clipboard. At least then we'd eliminate most of the human error from the equation. I can then build the architecture from the list.

    I am working with the API to develop this capability, but it might be useful to have in the UI as well.  

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