Network Topology Diagrams
Ideally we would be able to visualize all the Firewalla boxes and their networks/VPNs in a simple network diagram at the push of a button. This is something we spend a lot of time developing internally with the current configuration.
How difficult is it to show the relationships between boxes and networks in a Visio style output? Simple is fine, We just need to be able to rapidly visualize the network as we go.
This would be wonderful and I love your diagram. But I doubt they have the back end to be able to support and topological map creation on. The push of a button. You’d be lucky to get a relationship flow similar to a Zigbee mesh topology. It can be done. But the resources and software that would take I think would require it to be a separate feature and add on. Just my 2cp and ice worked on several very large designs similar to yours. Even back with HPOpenview, it took a lot of manual design and layout to get it to look that nice and filled out.
Okay @Firewalla, how about a compromise to make a sys admin's life a little easier? It would be very useful if I could simply export all device and network data into a csv or copy it onto my clipboard. At least then we'd eliminate most of the human error from the equation. I can then build the architecture from the list.
I am working with the API to develop this capability, but it might be useful to have in the UI as well.
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