Network Management



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    I do know we are making a "sudo" type of function, such that the MSP can grant an MSP phone temporary access to a managed firewalla, and you can use the phone to manage just like the customer. 

    As of the native interface accessing/managing the LAN/WAN, we sure can build it, if enough people want that feature. 

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    I am okay with either scenario.  The issue we are trying to solve is that our customers want to be able to control the app day to day, but we need management control and oversight as well.  Maybe the short term solution is sudo control for temporary admin app access, followed down the road by an enterprise network management tool for administrators.

    Ideally we would be able to visualize all the Firewalla boxes and their networks/VPNs in a simple network diagram at the push of a button. This is something we spend a lot of time developing internally with the current configuration.

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    I'm making that last part about network diagrams its own thread.  

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