Target Lists
I just started fiddling with this and noticed missing Firewalla managed target lists (OISD, Tor). Guessing it is just because it is currently early access? Also, will my user created target lists propagate over eventually or will I need to recreate them? So far it looks great and nice single interface.
If you look at existing rules using these lists you'll see that the target list name is blank, but if you click it, it shows the target list. I mentioned this to them in another thread and they're looking into it. I also inquired about the user created lists and didn't get an answer. So far it looks like they stay on the box and you have to recreate them in the MSP if you want them shared between devices.
It is GREAT that you can mute alarms based on target lists! This is only true for personal box target lists. You can define target lists at the MSP-level, but:
- you cannot select an MSP-defined target list when creating a new setting; and,
- the MSP UI does not display target lists correctly when you view the alarm settings
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