Target Lists



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    Matt Niswonger

    If you look at existing rules using these lists you'll see that the target list name is blank, but if you click it, it shows the target list.  I mentioned this to them in another thread and they're looking into it.  I also inquired about the user created lists and didn't get an answer.  So far it looks like they stay on the box and you have to recreate them in the MSP if you want them shared between devices.

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    Missing OISD and Tor is likely a permissions setting. We will see if we can get them visible again during our next deployment. 

    And yes, the private lists from each box will not be there at the global level. If you want a list for all boxes, you will have to recreate again. 

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    Support Team

    In future updates, we'll add a function to convert private lists to shared lists.

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    Support Team

    @CWest, confirmed the OISD and Tor visibility bug, it will be fixed in the next release. likely in two days.

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    Perfect. Thanks!

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    Support Team

    The website is updated, and the bug should have been fixed now.

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    Matt Niswonger

    Now that the bug was fixed, rules using those lists now show a blank friendly name for the target list, whereas before it showed a GUID when you clicked the rule.  Easy enough to fix, but might cause confusion.

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    It is GREAT that you can mute alarms based on target lists! This is only true for personal box target lists. You can define target lists at the MSP-level, but:

    - you cannot select an MSP-defined target list when creating a new setting; and,

    - the MSP UI does not display target lists correctly when you view the alarm settings

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