Homepod private address



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    anything x6:... is a private MAC; do you have extenders running? (I am not aware that homepod can randomize MAC ...)

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    Stephen Ball

    No, I don't have extenders running... that said I was clearly half asleep when debugging this last night as the screenshot of discovery clearly says Apple TV not HomePod. 🤦‍♂️ Although the Apple TV doesn't have randomized MAC either. Will have to play around again next time it happens.

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    Stephen Ball

    So here it is again, Firewalla with a new device with MAC randomisation on, no IPv4 address but an IPv6 address

    Discovery shows ieee1588, meshcop, raop, homekit, airplay, sleep-proxy, srpl-tls and companion-link services all on that  IPv6 address


    The places it mentions an IPv4 address matches up with the Bedroom Apple TV


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    Garrett Cox

    I'd check the blocked routes to confirm it looks like homepod traffic, preferably with VPN off... especially since the VPN isn't getting used anyways (internet disabled). I've seen this with Apple Watches also. 

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    Jan Bird

    Have you figured it out? Having the same problem with my HomePods+AppleTV... Thanks!

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    Do you have the latest firmware from apple? I vaguely (may be I was just dreaming), apple latest release fixed a few things, and may include this. 

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    Jan Bird

    Yes. They fixed a lot of HomeKit stuff in 16.4… but this behaviour remains unchanged.

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    It is going to be hard for us to do exceptions via the device name. The reason is, many parents uses the device quarantine feature to block kids ... and if they name their box HomePod, then it will become a work around for naughty stuff.

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    Jan Bird

    I understand, idea was for the feature to be optional, so it would be up to them to consider risks/benefits. More, it’s common to keep HomePod hostname as homepod, but it can freely be renamed in Home app. I’m open to other ideas, this was just a suggestion. Yesterday, I simply restarted AppleTV and boom - new private IP in quarantine (Homepod)… again :)

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