OpenVPN route to Local Lan Fix
Hello All,
I had an issue regarding my Linux Ubuntu Distro connecting to my local desktop over OpenVPN hosted by my Firewalla Gold. I noticed other user's of Firewalla were experiencing the same thing. However, I never found a solution posted in any of the forums. Hence this post.
Solution: Route Created + local firewall on desktop policy
I created multiple routes:
Action: Allow
Matching: Traffic from OpenVPN & To OpenVPN
On: Local Desktop
Schedule: Always
Action: Allow
Matching: Local desktop
On: OpenVPN
Schedule: Always
Attempt 3:
Action: Allow
Matching: Traffic from OpenVPN & To OpenVPN
Schedule: Always
Attempt 4:
Action: Allow
Matching: Lan
On: OpenVPN
Schedule: Always
None of the above rules were working at first.
Until, I checked my local firewall on my desktop.
I needed to create an Inbound & Outbound rule for my OpenVPN cidr range.
Once this was configured traffic flew smoothly.
Final Rule:
Action: Allow
Matching: Traffic from OpenVPN & To OpenVPN
On: Local Desktop
Schedule: Always
Removing the rest of the rules for security reasons. Hope this helps.
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