Need better wifi range with a Purple



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    Are you running the purple as a station? or a AP? The purple unit wifi is a low power unit that's suited for smaller spaces like a small hotel suite or room. 

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    Scott McClure

    As a station, inside an RV. I am hoping to use the Purple as the link from external wifi sources (including my own house when parked) to the electronics inside the RV. 

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    How far away is your router? the purple is a low power unit, so it may not be able to have enough txpower to reach further places 

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    Scott McClure

    Understood, but will the Purple SE with the separate antenna pull for a wider area? Or would it be the same strength as the standard Purple? Would the antenna make a big difference, or still comparable the signal draw?

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    An external antenna will be a little bit better, but the transmit power is not going to be a lot via the USB device, so you still may have issue with transmitting. 

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    Scott McClure

    That's what I was worried about. Oh well :-)

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    Scott McClure

    One last question on the external antenna. It only lists support for the Purple SE, not the standard Purple. If the internal working are the same, would the antenna be recognized and used if inserted into a non-SE Purple? Might add the boost I need at minimal cost...

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    If you mean WiFI-SD, it works with Gold units as well (in addition to purple SE). I don't think it will make a big difference. If you want something longer range, you probably need an external access point with its own power supply. 

    How far do you need the wifi to be?

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