Mounting Gold Pro to Wall



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    Airflow is side to side, you just make sure you don't cover the two sides with little holes on them. 

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    Anonymous User

    I'll have the gold pro horizontal and flat against the wall, meaning the ports / wires will be running left to right along the wall. The sides with the holes will be vertical / up and down and I intend to place one of those brackets at the top and bottom to secure it against the wall. The mount won't cover all the holes as that part of the bracket isn't a solid piece of metal, but it will block some. I guess my question is: If I block some of the holes, will it be alright? 

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    The best way is not to block at all. If you have no choice, don't block the middle on the left side. And no full block on both side

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    Rob Lee

    Just saw this post and ordered the same bracket -- OP, did you end up installing as you described? Any issues?  

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    I am curious too. 

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    Anonymous User

    I received the bracket but have not installed as I don't have the Gold Pro yet. Holding off until Tuesday and hopefully buying one + an AP 7 at the same time. 

    From the looks of it, its great quality and should do the job just fine. I believe it'll color match the AP 7 almost perfectly. I plan to use just one on the bottom as you should be able to securely clamp it within the mount. 

    I'll report back once I get my hands on everything. Let us know how it works out for you Rob.

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    Rob Lee

    Will do. Should receive brackets this week and hopefully will have time next weekend to install. i ordered two just in case i want to mount under a shelf, but i will likely end up just using one and mounting vertically, like you plan to.

    i have some flexibility in terms of mounting, so if the bracket allows -- i might just mount it with the vents on the side and avoid the original issue altogether since the vents would be totally unobstructed. but whether i can do that will depend if the power plug gets in the way of the bracket on the bottom. tbd.

    either way -- yes, will report back in a week or two.

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    Anonymous User

    I'm almost certain with the vent on the side configuration you could center the Gold Pro in the mount and the power plug will not get in the way. I'd ideally mount it that way as well, but in order for the cables to stay hidden with my current setup I'll have to mount it with one of the vents slightly obstructed.  

    If the vents end up being too obstructed lying flat against the mount, I'll use 2 of these bumper pads to give it some breathing room. 

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    Rob Lee

    yup i've got some furniture pads at home already and had the same idea -- great / nerdy minds think alike!

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    Rob Lee

    brackets came -- yea they should work nicely.  good find OP.  here are pics of how it fits on the bracket in both possible orientations.  i am going to mount it in "landscape mode" to avoid the vent holes altogether -- but even if i were going to mount it in "portrait mode" like you plan guess is that it leaves enough of the vents open to not be a real concern.  But of course, firewalla would know better than i do on that question!


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    Anonymous User

    Nice, that's awesome. Thanks for the pics. 

    Looks like enough breathing room. I'll have the left side vents unobstructed and the right will be in the mount. Should be good to go.

    Was able to snag a Gold Pro and an AP7 today. Excited!

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    Rob Lee

    nice. enjoy your new toy. i got mine with the early release crowd last summer. it is AMAZING. thanks firewalla!

    btw - i was a little worrier i should've gotten the narrow brackets since the official measurements said the wide ones might be like 2mm wide even at its smallest setting. but someones measurements are slightly off and the firewalla is probably 2-3mm wider than the wide brackets narrowest setting. so the wide size is perfect

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    Anonymous User

    Thanks! Good to hear. Sounds like it'll be a perfect fit.

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