Custom Alarms?



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    recorded, thanks!

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    Yes, this is exactly what I'm looking for.  I don't want to necessarily block Youtube but I want to know when it is being accessed.  Please give us this functionality. 

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    One more vote for this feature! I can set up a custom block for a URL, but that is not really what I want... I only to present a "trip wire" that alerts the administrator without actually blocking the URL.

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    Bump. Just recently purchased a Firewalla, and would like to have this feature.

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    Yes customizable alerts would be amazing. Also to forward specific alerts to someone else (by mail or whatever).

    If customized rules are developed the possibilities are endless; I want to know as soon as someone is starting up a video conference in my home to avoid being too loud (with working/studying from home thats a bit of a pain). The Firewalla already recognizes the traffic of Teams, Webex, etc so if there's a significant spike (and decline ones hanged up) you can indicate a video conference is going on. 

    But also for example to get an alert as soon as the phone of one of the kids is connecting to the network (and disconnecting).  

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    Paul C.

    Upvoting this feature request. We can create target lists with sites/domains/IPs, write rules to block or allow a target list, and even categorize them (pr0n, Gaming, Social), but what good is a category for a target list if you can't alarm on it like the default alarms do?

    Ability to create custom alarms should be a fundamental part of any firewall IMO.

    Thanks in advance @firewalla!

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