Custom Alarms?
I couldn't find anything about this, so here we go.
Can we have a feature to define our own alarm? For instance, I don't want to block Youtube entirely, but I want to get an alert if my kid's computer fires it up at 2AM. Good criteria would be blocks of time, specific domain, and I suppose any other criteria utilized in the current alarm system. Ideally this would be a combination of text fields for domains and such, and dropdowns for variables already in the alarm system.
Yes customizable alerts would be amazing. Also to forward specific alerts to someone else (by mail or whatever).
If customized rules are developed the possibilities are endless; I want to know as soon as someone is starting up a video conference in my home to avoid being too loud (with working/studying from home thats a bit of a pain). The Firewalla already recognizes the traffic of Teams, Webex, etc so if there's a significant spike (and decline ones hanged up) you can indicate a video conference is going on.
But also for example to get an alert as soon as the phone of one of the kids is connecting to the network (and disconnecting).
Upvoting this feature request. We can create target lists with sites/domains/IPs, write rules to block or allow a target list, and even categorize them (pr0n, Gaming, Social), but what good is a category for a target list if you can't alarm on it like the default alarms do?
Ability to create custom alarms should be a fundamental part of any firewall IMO.
Thanks in advance @firewalla!
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