VPN Access by User Account / User Authentication



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    It is not possible now.   Not many of our customers requires LDAP/AD 

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    John Nguyen

    Any plans to do the integration or at least have a local account management?

    Or is it possible to create multiple provides for different users?  Currently we looking at 3-4 users.
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    @John,  it is possible, and that depends on the demand from our community.   Unless the demand is so strong and people want to pay for such type of features, we probably can make a business case and implement that. 

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    James Willhoite

    If you know bash, you can get this done by manually creating the keys and profiles. I have created a new OpenVPN user on my Firewalla so I can script a few things when a specific user connects.

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    Jim Araujo

    LDAP at least would be nice for business that use it to maintain their directory services. RADIUS might be easier to implement, but not sure. Would love to see this..

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    Larry Matthews

    I would like to use an LDAP or Radius server as well. We may have 10 users that we need to control VPN access. The multiple profiles is clever, but difficult to maintain.

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    Is your LDAP/Radius servers hosted locally on your site? or it is cloud based?

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    Larry Matthews

    Either way works. We have an onsite Active directory and a cloud based Google Enterprise.

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    Antoine Laureau

    Hi all,

    I would like to have the ability to use onsite AD or Cloud based Google Enterprise for my Firewalla Gold VPN.

    Are you going to put this features in the roadmap ?

    If anybody can give me an howto to enable the features now by scripting ?


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