Homebridge undiscoverable (solved!)
I installed homebridge via the tutorial on my Gold. Homebridge is up and running And I added a dummy switch. But when I try to add it to homekit it is undiscoverable. I’m wondering if anyone has had any issues? Do any ports need to be open, etc.?
I notice that the ui ip doesn’t match the ipv4. It seems to me this isn’t right. It should point to my firewalla’s LAN IP.
Note https://www.unixmen.com/how-to-find-default-gateway-in-linux/ suggests that /etc/network/interfaces should have a gateway entry. Gold does not have one.
Note from the tutorialOn Firewalla
Maybe there is a missing setting in the docker instructions?
This also looks promising but I am a little afraid to mess with things until I hear from @firewalla because I need my network stable. -
There may be another layer of firewall that may be blocking. I know someone is working on doing a pi-hole example, with the 1.971 release (your gold is 1.970 now), which should have a few pieces of scripts that may make this problem go away. Let me see if I can get it shared earlier
In case it helps anyone, I added a note explaining how to get home bridge running on Firewalla Gold. Thanks to Firewalla for pointing me in the right direction! Firewalla rocks.
Also a tutorial on the homebridge side. Glad you are up and running, Shawn.
Do you know how to get a plugin like Homebridge plugin for Raspberry Pi working on homebridge so I can monitor details of Firwalla like temperature? I had that running in Raspberrypi and I have a similar one on my Synology but I can't find one that works on Firewalla. -
Yeah, I'd like to have that info in Home and maybe be able to write alerts if, say Firewalla was running unusually hot or using more memory than usual, etc.
Now that it is up and running I'm debating if I want to move my homebridge to Firewalla or leave it running on my synology.
The temperature data etc. is definitely in Firewalla (like any Ubuntu) so this is doable. Maybe we will get lucky and some Firewalla user or one of the Engineers will fork one of the plugins (there are some for Linux that in theory should work but seem broken at least on Firewalla.) so we can have some Homekit support in Firewalla! -
sudo apt install lm-sensors
sensorsor if you want updates ...
watch sensors
or if you want faster updates and highlight changes ...
watch -n 1 -d sensors
You could also run this as a process and send the results to the cloud. That’s what we do. Details in some of our other contributions.
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