Using an Externally-connected USB Memory Stick



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    Good Job Chris ! It's all I need ! Thank you !

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    @chris, you write some of the best tutorials here period!  Better than some of our engineers!  Just want to say, good job!! and thank you!

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    Chris Lezny

    Is there a way to send the Logs to a cloud based file system to access?


    The USB memory stick is great, but I would think this would be for a one time isolated event to capture the information. If you wanted this daily, this would be a laborious activity and if you missed the window, you would loose data.


    The thought here is that there is a lot of information in the logs. After an investigation, you can safely 'ignore' certain logged items - Zoom meeting IPs, known connections to IPs (apple), etc. - This would allow you to just review new or unique events until the they can also be added to the 'ignore' list.


    I can easily write something, if the data is external from the Firewalla system, but I need to export... even a "Save to CSV" from the web console would be great.


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    Michael Bierman

    Inspired by Chris, I turned this into a script that makes this a bit easier. 

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    i get a permission denied for "/dev/sda1" check.  what is the problem?

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    Michael Bierman

    Hi @PotatoHead... What step did you get the error? Some steps require sudo. 

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    Yoav freiberger



    Can this process be used to permanently expand Firewalla Gold storage and for this to be used for more storage needed for dockers? I'm the furthest thing from a Linux expert, but from this thread about Gold SE and adding SSD and the use case here, I understand that this is a temporary addition for logs that does not survive reboots. Any help would be greatly appreciated on how to expand permanently Gold's useable storage for dockers. 

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