How to access activity information and timing for a device?
Is there a way to access the activity times for a device or user or group?
I'd like to write an app that can monitor gaming usage to give my child an indicator of how much time they have used and/or whathtey have left.
I'm finding the MSP API really thin on features. Am I missing something?
The phone app allows me to set a time limit rule for a user for gaming apps, for example fortnight. I want to query the box to see how much time has accrued on that rule.
I would settle for being able to query information on the activities for a device and I can compute what I need to in my node app.
There seems to be a lot of information in the MSP web app and the phone app which is not available in the API.
Today you should be able to see the duration via the "users" icon, or you can go into the device individually and look at activities. You are not seen those? or you need more application support?
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