Certain Webpages or Links Won't Work (DNS Issue? Internet Provider?)
Issue – Specific links inside websites or random websites won’t load.
- NoMachine Download Link - Nomachine download link I won't open. I can access the webpage, but their download link won't work. (If I connect the firewalla WAN to my Verizon phone hotspot it does allow me to proceed to through the download link)
- Small Company Webpages - Smaller companies’ webpages won’t load. Most/all major sites seem to work fine. (Haven’t attempted hotspot fix on this situation but I assume it’d work)
- RightNetwork Remote Connections - Rightnetwork virtual windows machine won’t connect (This previously worked from 7/15/24-7/30/24, so I don’t think Firewalla is the issue.) (If I Firewalla to Verizon phone hotspot it allows me to instantly connect without issue.)
- Plex Match Bot - Plex is no longer matching new files to the Agent/TVDB. When I try to manually match it will normal bring up a search list. This week it won't even attempt to load the search page when clicked. It just does nothing as if it doesn't have access to search.
Connections: (All connecting cables are cat 6 or above. I’ve tried with different cables between the connections)
- Fiberline (1000Mbps Plan)
- AT&T Modem Nokia BGW320-505 (In Passthrough)
- Firewalla Gold (Revision Original)
- TRENDnet Gigabit 16-port (TEG-S17D) [Controls all house/room ethernet ports]
- Gigabit LAN Gaming PC or GigabitLAN Plex PC (Both LAN and WiFi experience the same issues.)
Troubleshooting: (All of the below did not help)
- Turn off IPv6
- Reboot (Modem, Router, Aps, LAN PCs)
- Windows release and renew
- Manually assigning DNS server on windows PC ethernet adapter
- Change Firewalla DNS to AT&T, Google, Cloudflare
- Emergency access no monitoring
- Rules Allow all internet to and from traffic
- FIXED: Verizon Firewalla WAN hotspot seems to fix the issues, but I haven’t attempted it with every issue listed above.
Setup Change Log (as of today 8/2/24)
- Added 3x Unifi AP U6 LR (Added 7/26/24 | 6 days ago)
- Added Firewalla Router (Added 7/15/24 | 18 days ago)
- AT&T main IPv4 trace route server changed 7/28/24 (5 days ago). Ping increased from 8ms to 24ms. (Central TN to Atlanta GA)
- Enabled IPv6 on Firewalla Router & AT&T modem (7/28/24). I got a better IPv6 trace route for Atlanta GA game servers getting back my 8ms ping. My IPv4 latency tripled from 8ms to 24ms.
Misc Background Info:
Internet Route Change – On 7/28/24 I noticed my ping increased to a constant 47ms in Overwatch servers located in Chicago IL. For the last 2 years I have never seen it pass 31ms so I ran a tracert to and noticed I’m taking the same geographical route to Atlanta GA from Central TN but the first hop outside my city is 23ms it would normally be around 7-11ms.
Trace RouteT:
- Firewalla - – 1ms
- AT&T Modem – – 1ms
- AT&T Local Hub – 1ms
- 174.25.246 (Atlanta, GA) – 23ms
- Nothing of note for hops (5-10 same 23ms)
- google.com – 23ms
(If I run a trace RT using google’s IPv6 DNS I get my old ping at around 7-10ms. This also travels to Atlanta GA just on a different server route.)
My Current Theory:
I believe the AT&T servers I’m being routed through may be the problem. I didn’t notice these issues until 7/30/24, 2 days after my regular route was modified. If I connect my Firewalla to my Verizon phone hotspot as the WAN connection all issues above are resolved.
AT&T - 1000Mbps Plan (Since 2021 ~3 years without issues)
- MODEM: AT&T NOKIA BGW320-505 (In Passthrough)
- MODEM V: 4.27.7
- IPv4 On
- MTU: 1500
- DHCP: On (
- Subnet Mask:
- Public Subnet: Off
- Cascaded Router: Off
- IPv6 On
- MTU: 1500
- DHCPv6: On
- DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation: On
- Ports: Turned on 1G full duplex
- Wifi: Off (Both 2.4 & 5ghz. Using Unifi Aps)
AT&T Modem Firewall
- Packet Filter: Off (All)
- Ip Passthrough: On (DHCPS-fixed to mac address of Firewalla)
- Nat Default Server: Off
- Firewall Advanced: Off (All)
- Modems troubleshoot test (Results all pass)
- NAT Table: 504 Used of 8192
Fiber Status of AT&T Modem
- Vcc 3.42 (Normal Range 3.10-3.50)
- Tx Bias 83.26 (Normal Range 0.0-900)
- Tx Power 19.102 (Normal Range 10-35.5)
- Rx Power 0.122 (Normal Range 0.14-2)
Firewalla Gold (Revision Original)
- Router Local IP:
- Subnet Mask:
- DHCPv4: On (
- DNS:
- DNS (Secondary):
- Lease Time: 86400
- IPv6: On
- IPv6 Interface Type: Prefix Delegation
- IPv6 Address Prefix: /64 (This should match my AT&T requirement)
- IPv6 Delegation: (Automatic AT&T Wan)
- DHCPv6: On
- Lease Time: 86400
- mDNS Relay: On
- SSDP Relay: Off
- Block ICMP (Ping): Off
- Connection Type: DHCP
- Subnet Mask
- DNS:
- DNS (Secondary):
- IPv6: On
- IPv6 Prefix: /64 (This should match my AT&T requirement)
- Lease Time: 3600
- MTU: 1500
- Connectivity Test: On
- Block ICMP (Ping): On
- Other Firewalla Network Settings:
- Link Aggregation: Off
- Source Nat: On
- Source Networks:
- Port Forwarding: 32400 (Plex)
- DMZ: Off
Firewalla Settings:
Device Count: 96
- Active Protect Rules (Default Bundle): On
- Ingress Firewall: On
- 32400 Port Open for LAN Plex
Active Protect: ON (Mode – Default)
Ad Block: On Strict (Only for Phones. PCs aren’t being blocked.)
Mode: Router Mode (Monitoring)
Routes: Off
Smart Queue: On (Static, FQ_Codel, High Priority LAN PCs)
(All other settings are off/not used)
Note: I have attempted to set up a rule to allow all internet traffic in and out to LAN PC & changed monitoring to off / emergency access.
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