Gold Bridge Mode



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    In Bridge Mode, the Gold (or any firewalla) in bridge mode, will need to connect one end to a router (it can not be a bridge)

    Bridge mode is like a switch, so you can use VLAN with it and passing traffic is pretty transparent.  see

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    J. Christopher Mills

    That does not answer my question. In bridge mode can GOLD PLUS be used with it's multiple ports between a modem and a router in bridge mode while obtaining it's IP for access from one of the other ports on Firewalla Gold?

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    J. Christopher Mills

    I would've thought the purpose of this bridge mode to be to eliminate the need for double nating in a situation such as mine—needing to route traffic BEFORE it gets to Firewalla. Does anybody want to buy it from me? As much as I thought it was flexible, it has been the opposite.

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    If you connect firewalla bridge mode to a modem, and that modem can only issue one IP address, none of the devices behind the firewalla in bridge mode will work. (They will never get any IP address ...)

    If your modem is a router and can issue multiple IP's to your connected devices, then it will work. 

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