Static Route from Wireguard client to another Wireguard client



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    James Willhoite

    That is for when the FWG is connected to a 3rd party VPN, or the Gold is connected to a VPN as a client. I’m trying to route traffic from a specific wire guard client to another client.

    Client A -> FWG+ -> Client B

    The FWG+ just acts as the hub.

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    Michael Bierman

    Hi @James... 

    Client A is a device connecting to FWG+ VPN server? And Client B is using FWG+ VPN Client? If so, the link already provided will work. 

    If the VPN Profile connecting to FWG Server is using WireGuard, you can also choose that particular VPN client to route through a Firewalla VPN Client. 

    Maybe I didn't correctly understand your requirements?

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    James Willhoite

    Both clients connecting to my FWG

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    James, I am a bit confused on the hub concept, why can't you just connect to B directly? (I assume, everything you are talking about is initiated from the LAN side, and all VPN services you are talking about are VPN client). 

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    James Willhoite

    I had a connection from Client A and I had a connection from Client B. I wasn't sure when I could get to Client B's place to reconfigure the Network and allow port forwarding so Client A could connect to Client B directly. So I was hoping to just route Client A's traffic to Client B through the connections I already had in place on my Firewall

    I did have to go out to Client B's location and was able to reconfigure his network to allow incoming WireGuard connections. So this post is irrelevant now. But I've had a few times where I've had to create a connection back to a Client so I can route traffic back. (Basically I've got a few site-to-sites, and there might be some specific traffic that I need to point to that route, but if they are connected to me, then I can't do that, I have to connect to them to be able to route traffic back through the site-to-site connection).

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