Multiple Region/Country Block/Allow Questions
I searched around but all the posts I found were very old (years) and likely out of date (and didn't answer my question anyway.) Sorry if I missed it.
Anyway, I have a couple of region/country blocking questions.
1. Can you block all countries _except_ a select few?
2. If you can, can the exceptions to the block (i.e. the allow list) actually be in a list (target list?) rather than one per rule?
3. Similarly, can you block a list of countries in one rule rather than one country at a time?
4. If you can, how do you multi-select the list of countries you'd like? Do you have to do it one at a time?
In some of the posts I found on this topic it was stated that you shouldn't broadly block regions/countries, and I understand the scenarios that it impacts. However, using a different router I've blocked all countries _except_ a few in the past and it had limited impact. The impact it did have I was able to manage with rules like only this device can go there, access to this country is only allowed from 2am-3am, etc. Maybe I got luck and most of the "it'll impact this scenario" scenarios just don't impact me (or don't care about them).
Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide! I appreciate it.
1. You can, but it probably not a good idea. (see
2. Target lists don't cover regions. You can do TLDs like, .ru but that's not the same.
3. No.
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