Vanity Domain as paid individual feature



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    The vanity domain is tied to the business plan because the business plan doesn't use shared docker containers. 

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    Jiabin Chen

    Hi @Firewalla
    I think there're solutions to the problem you stated. Shared docker container shouldn't be the limitation.
    when you said shared docker container, I assume it is a single program/process running some code that serves more than one user for MSP features.
    Three thoughts on this one:
    Approach #1 (more engineering work but almost the same infrastructure cost): whatever infrastructures your team used at the backend, we can map many domain names to the same IP. If the IP for the container is dynamic, then there are solutions as well. It is not a problem that can't be solved. After this, then it is just mapping specific domain names to different user data in the application code.
    Approach #2 (easy to rollout and implement, the cost will be on consumers, win-win as well): what's the cost of having independent container for each user? with k8s, nowadays it should be easy to get the minimum to have it up and running.

    Thought #3, approach #2 provides better security as well. Since it is more than one users share the same container/process, and MSP has great impact on people's home internets/digital property, bugs/hacks could possibly lead to catastrophic damages. Thinking from the security perspective, the independent container feature should be a must, unless you can guarantee bug/hack free for the MSP service

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    I believe there is a charge from amazon on subdomain names and also certificates issued. The professional plan at the moment is only $3, the bare minimum to do anything with aws. 

    So, if you do want a vanity domain, best get the business plan. 

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    Jiabin Chen

    additional cost could be passed down to consumers, so it isn't a reason to say hey we don't want to do this because it will cost you more.
    The security posture for this doesn't seem right, that's a more concerning factor. why not a container for each user? whoever wants to use a more secure service will pay for it.
    This isn't just some application data on your data center. MSP connects to people's router at home, which provides access to all internal hardwares, not just computers and cameras, nowadays even stove, dishwashers, washing machines, have wifi connections. The risk of bugs/hacks on your MSP service could be low/mid/high, but once happened, the consequence is catastrophic to users.

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    If the issue is additional cost I’m sure an additional 1-2$ per month would be more than enough to cover this cost.
    My understanding is that cost comes out very low (50c per month)

    Even rounding out at 5$ a month seems reasonable

    On the flip side however, why would there be an additional cost regardless…
    Do you not currently generate all the same requirements for the non-vanity domain

    This is just a DNS change…

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    The Business plan brings many benefits- I think we are viewing this as an add-on to the Professional Plan (home users can’t necessarily afford or even need the business plan)

    I would happily pay a couple $ extra a month to get the vanity domain (and would also love vanity DDNS to go along with it)

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    The MSP "professional plan" price has been cut so low (lower than a cup of coffee at Starbucks) that there is no room for us to add more cost to it. 

    If you want extra features like your own container or vanity domain, please subscribe to the business plan.


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    I think you are skimming the part where we suggest it as an add-on to professional

    Home users don’t need all business features, especially that many seats

    Add-on can mean you charge for it on top of the monthly cost so I’m not sure why the current monthly cost is a factor here

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    I don’t believe any one is questioning the value you have offered in the “Professional Plan” but the cost between the Business plan is much more

    Can we get Vanity domains as a paid additional to the Pro plan ?

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    It is going to be hard to build an add-on. The professional plan containers are not 'equipped' to do this. The vanity domain will require (from what I understand just now, I may be wrong)

    • domain entry (not expensive, can ignore price, likely free)
    • its own certificate 
    • and a proxy in the container and code to redirect to the right instance




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