MSP - Seeming monitoring only...



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    What kind of configuration capabilities are you looking for?

    It is highly likely in the subsequent two releases, we will add some of the more/popular configuration items to the MSP. The team already has a design of the "network" side configuration. 

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    Mark Holbrook

    Here is what is seems it should support:

    1) Ability to set name of any device (I think this works now)

    2) Ability to put a device in a group

    3) Ability to create new groups

    4) Ability to set a device type

    5) Ability to assign reserved DHCP address for any device

    6) Ability to setup port forwards for devices

    In the ideal world I would like to do that remotely via the portal

    Basically I feel the MSP should be a computer usable version of the Firewalla App.

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    Support Team

    Thanks for your feedback, Mark.

    Managing device groups is supported now, but you need to change your view from "All Boxes" to a specific box from the top header of the web because currently device groups cannot be managed across boxes. 

    Setting a device type is a fairly new feature, the MSP is catching up. As for managing DHCP reservations and port forwardings, it's on our to-do list. 


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    > Managing device groups is supported now, but you need to change your view from "All Boxes" to a specific box from the top header of the web because currently device groups cannot be managed across boxes. 

    Isn't this a contradictory sentence? Device groups are supported, but devices in groups cannot be managed that way.

    What does it mean?

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    Support Team

    Hi Ross, devices in groups can be managed on the MSP UI, they just can't be "across boxes". For example, under Box A, you can group device 1 and device 2 together, apply rules, and view the flows of the group. However, you can't group device 1 in Box A and device 2 in Box B together, as they belong to different boxes.

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