Reconnect Firewalls To new phone
If the phone previously used is dead/inoperable is there a way to add them to a new phone without going to each device and rescanning the barcode? I ask this because with the MSP the connection is there so I imagine there is a way to do?
MSP should allow you to gain temporary access to the box via this
If you don't have the MSP, you must stand next to the unit to gain access.
There are two copies of configuration data, one is on the firewalla, and the other is on your phone. If you lost the phone, you can always pair it with the unit again and get back the configuration. If you lost your unit, you can use the phone to restore the configuration. (And if there is another phone that has access, it can remotely give you access as well)
Your original request is you lost the only phone (that can access your firewalla) and can't go near the firewalla to pair with it again. Which is pretty rare if you only manage one or two firewalla units
In your case, having your parent's phone also paired with their firewalla will work even better. When you lost your phone, they can share access with you via this
Fine, but in my particular case that does not work as my aging parents don't understand technology and those instructions are beyond them.
I also think that might also be true for some college kids. I don't think you should assume the remote location will always have technical people available.
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