unifi docker and losing AP ownership.



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    w m

    How is your ap powered? Every now that I do a general reboot of my system, and I have never had this problem even though I currently now run my UniFi controller on a separate device as opposed to the actual router. However, even when I did, I usually wouldn’t have this issue in terms of having to factory reset the actual AP.

    One recommendation might be to check on what the APs inform host is set to. I believe I default it to UniFi so if you ask ssh into your AP you can manually set the inform host to the IP address that you know that the UniFi controller will always reboot to which will take away a lot of the kind guessing of whether or not your unified devices will talk to each other. It was a bit confusing for me when I figured it out but since you’re able to Association build the unified do container should be rather manageable. Link to the UniFi ssh Commands in general this resource has been helpful in managing and figuring out my UniFi set up.

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    w m

    As long as your unified device is always rebooting to the same IP address and you set the inform host on the AP to that IP. It should always reconnect and there shouldn’t be any need to factory reset the device,

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    Dan Casmas

    I have the AP on a poe 1 gb hub coming directly off the Firewalla.
    I rebooted the hub and the devices came back.
    very weird, I suppose not the worse problem but slightly annoying.

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    w m

    hub? is it just a unmanaged switch? I found those can be tricky the AP (I find UniFi devices like apple products don't play well with other kids in the sandbox :-D) and would say if you have a POE injector use that with one of the firewalla ports for the AP (and totally get UniFi stuff is a pain cause it's both cost prohibitive and thats if you can even get your hands on their devices...i personally only use the a 8 port mixed poe lite managed swtch and find it integrates nicely....) oh also wasn't thinking before... another solve for your device not finding the controller is you can use the firewalla dns services so that your controllers ip resolves unifi (this way you don't have to ssh your ap)

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    Dan Casmas

    How would I "another solve for your device not finding the controller is you can use the firewalla dns services so that your controllers ip resolves unifi" ?

    And which switch do you use ?

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