NAT Outbound port range



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    I've personally never heard of any service provider that limits outgoing ports (or this is an incoming port?) You are probably best to run double NAT in this case and then configure how your NAT translates ports. 

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    Stein Stein

    Since they have a small number of ipv4 they share the same ip with 4 users assigning different range port to each one.
    Anyway, is there any way to understand what kind of setting can I do in the “NAT setting” menu? The setting I’m interested in is very easy to do in pfsense for example but I want to be sure that I can do the same in firewalla since I would like to use it as a router, and I don’t want to have a double NAT.

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    We do not have any features today to limit or divide the NAT ports used. 

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