Enforcing (Wireguard) VPN on Android



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    are you looking at controlling kids or employees? or both?

    MDM/EMM is likely the only solution that can do any enforcement. I am not aware of anything on the consumer side that can do this easier 

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    Sorry for the late reply. Vacation got in the way :-)

    I am looking at controlling the kids :-D But since on the consumer side there is indeed nothing available to my knowledge, I am looking for a pro solution. But also there I am struggling to find anything.

    Is there anything you know of that does what I need?

    Basically it is kind of irrelevant if it's for controlling kids, employees, or whoever. As long as it can keep a persistent VPN connection to my FW Gold and the user cannot disable it.

    Help would be much appreciated!

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    I don't know one, either. As far as I understand, the MDM/EMM solution is always enterprise-focused; and they are just impossible to setup. Example https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/deployment/depceaf9c713/web


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    Samuel Simpson

    Seems pricey but we're currently using bark for a single phone, seems to work alright to offer a lot of control over the device but in this case the company owns the phone. I'd also prefer a more personal at home setup that I control but haven't currently found it.

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    I am looking for a similar option for use with an iPhone. I have used Bark, but the Bark VPN must be used and can readily be turned off on an iPhone. I would prefer to drop Bark, and use Firewalla in the way Stefan proposes -- with the forced use of the Firewalla VPN. Any advice appreciated.

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