How do I setup a server?



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    Multiple IP Addresses on WAN

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    Howard Greenberg

    thanks, but how do I just send all traffic for x.x.x.123 (WAN IP) to x.x.x.10 (LAN IP)? Do I always have to specify a port? Seems like a port is required in the interface?

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    Howard Greenberg

    On my Sonicwall that I am trying to migrate from I can setup a one to one mapping. The server has a local IP that gets mapped to the WAN IP (not the Sonicwall's IP). And all traffic to that WAN IP gets routed to the local IP (subject to the rules that block most stuff).

    Can this be done on the Purple?


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    I think if you don't give it a port, it will be acting like DMZ, which is forwarding everything to the destination. 


    Multiple IP Addresses on WAN: 

    For those of you who are given multiple static IP addresses by your ISP, Firewalla supports configuring additional IP addresses on your WAN connection. By assigning multiple IPs on a single WAN, you can forward different ports to different IP addresses, and set the DMZ host on any specific IP address. "


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    Howard Greenberg

    It won’t save if I don’t fill in the port.

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    Support Team

    Sorry about the confusion. Our suggestion is to set your server as the DMZ host instead of creating a port forwarding. The DMZ option is under the Port Forwarding option on the NAT Settings page. To set your server as the DMZ host, follow these steps:
    1. Turn on DMZ.
    2. Set the WAN IP Address to be the IP you want (e.g., x.x.x.123).
    3. Select your server as the DMZ host.
    4. Set which source you'd like to allow access to your server.

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    Howard Greenberg

    Can I restrict access to the server to limited ports from the internet?

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    Then you need the port forwarding, as you did before. 

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