Can't find how to stop this from being blocked



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    Michael Bierman

    Have a look at 

    You can start by allowing that port from Any Sources and then watch the flows. If there is some consistency there—e.g. all the flows are from a particular IP or IP range or region, you can limit to allow only those. The narrower the allowed access generally the better. 

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    John Shepherd

    Thanks for replying, Micheal. It's not about this, because I'm hardwired. This has never connected remotely. I've never even had wifi on my studio pc. Is it possibly because this 'multicast' is enabled in Firewalla? If I'm even understanding what the cryptic message from Studio One says? 

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    John Shepherd

    So I guess I need to know if I need to disable multicast in FWG and how to. For the 2nd one, will that clear up if disabling multicast clears the 1st issue? Thanks very much.

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    Michael Bierman

    Hi John,

    I don't think wired or wireless is important here. That is just talking about the device connecting you to the network. 

    Do you mean IGMP proxy? mDNS?

    I suggest the best place to start with things like this is to check with the community for the devcie or software such as:

    Once you know the requirements in hand, if you get stuck implementing them with Firewalla come back here and I'm sure someone can help. 

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    All outbound traffic is permitted unless you block them ... If you suspect there are blocks, try this

    Since your software is crashing, it is likely a bug there, you probably need to talk to them and stop the crash from happening first. 

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    John Shepherd

    I took the pc network cable out of the FWG and plugged straight into the Netgear C7000 Comcast comes in on. Works fine this way. Has to be something I managed to mess up in FWG. Will try the things in the article. Hopefully I won't make it any worse.


    Is there a way to save the state of FWG to be able to reload it in the future? Thanks much for all the help!



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    Which state are you thinking of saving and restoring? for example, things LAN / WAN configuration is already saved in the app (also rules ...) 

    In order to make things simpler, we are not allowing you to save different versions of configuration

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