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    Thanks. I know some of these are in the works; I have forwarded them to our product manager.

    As of (2), the mesh requires 1.976 version of the box, which is likely to be in beta soon (May/8/2023 week)

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    Lee Pelletier

    Additional item:

    4. Wildcard domains are not working in block rules.  I used to be able to create a block rule for a wildcard domain like *.zip, *.ru, etc. I am no longer able to do that either in MSP or through the App.  That is useful functionality.  Interestingly, existing wildcard domain block rules are continuing to work.  I am just not able to add additional ones.

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    Client Support

    Hi Lee, 

    I was able to replicate the problem in MSP but I am not able to reproduce it in the App. I have opened a bug on that.

    I can create a rule blocking, "ru" in both iOS and Android. What version of the app and what platform are you having trouble with? 

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