Firewalla Gold setup internet unavailable
I recently bought a firewalla gold and I am having a lot of problems with the setup. My modem is a Motorola MB8611 and I cannot get the firewalla gold to work with it. I tried as router, connect to existing network, DHCP mode, simple mode, every combination I could possibly do and I always get the error "Internet Connection Unavailable (10)". I can plug literally everything else I own into that modem and get internet. I plugged a wireless router into it, attached the firewalla to the router and it connects just fine. Is my modem just not compatible with the firewalla? There is really no reason that it shouldn't work (I'm a software engineer so I know a thing or two about how networks work) so I'm hoping someone knows what I'm doing wrong with my setup.
Likely your modem is locked with the previous router or MAC is locked by ISP? Usually, you can power down the modem and power it up clean, then connect firewalla. If you already setup firewalla and it is already in DHCP mode, it should just work.
Here are more info on troubleshooting
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