Question about the configuration
Hi all
I'm working with firewalla for a 2 months and I want to get the next step in the configuration.
From the begining I've setuped firewalla in simple mode and all is working, but I think that is not a good idea get the device all the time using arp spoofing, probably this will kill all network devices...
Anyway, the next step is use a dhcp mode, but checking the documentation it seems that there is only a way to setup with a overlap my network. The main problem is the capacity of firewalla, in the documentation, I can see the maximun banswich is 100 mb.
I think that not all network devices must be monitorized by firewalla, devices managed by parents, printers, cameras and other devices can be managed by the normal network and leave to firewalla the devices managed by childrens, but, these devices must to get access to the other devices (like printers for example)
Maybe not monitored devices can get all configuration from the main router and managed devices get the gateway firewalla, in that case, tvs, video cameras and other devices with huge bandwich don't touch firewalla.
I think that dchp server must be firewalla and asign the configuration to all devices.
Is this possible?
Many thanks
If your WAN bandwidth is less than 100mbits, then you shouldn't worry.
If you are more than 100mbit, you should be able to change the device (large bandwidth users, or devices you don't want to be monitored) to not monitored mode. (tap on firewalla->[devices]->[your device]->turn off monitoring).
This way, the devices not being monitored by DHCP mode (or simple mode) traffic won't go to Firewalla.
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