Purple WAN failover
I have a Purple setup as a multi-WAN fail over - if the cable modem goes down, it should switch to the hot spot from my phone.
It is taking longer than I expected to find the WAN connection via my phone. When I took the phone out of range and back in again, it took several minutes for the Purple to see that the phone connection was up- with the phone sitting 3 feet away and the hotspot turned on the whole time.
I tried running the diagnostics a few times to see if I could make the hotspot visible sooner, but that failed the first few times I tried it.
Is there a way to make the hotspot detectable as a viable WAN connection faster?
What's the model of your phone?
Sometimes it's due to the phone may turn off hotspot SSID broadcasting to save battery after hotspot feature being on for a while. Or it could be wifi compatibility issues.
Usually for iPhone, we recommend to try to turn on "Maximize Compatibility" feature on hotspot if any issues on connecting Hotspot.
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