Managing Orbi over VPN



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    Michael Bierman

    How is the Orbi set up? Is it in AP mode? 

    Note from Orbi: 


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    Michael Bierman

    Yes, but Orbi doesn't let you manage the AP in AP mode. 

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    Michael Bierman

    Just to make sure I understand... 

    ISP > Orbi > FWP or 

    ISP > FWP >  Orbi > FWP 

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    Does the Orbi allow you to manage it via another network (while you are on VPN, you are really not local). If it doesn't, then likely you probably can't do anything, since the orbi app may know if you are local or not

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    Bob DeRosier

    ISP > FWP > Orbi is the physical setup.

    I don't understand the second line as I am only using 1 FWP.  

    I don't know how the Orbi app finds the Orbi.  I was hoping someone here knew that answer - so I know whether its worth looking into setting up routing/port forwarding rules or something like that over the VPN.  

    Orbi Access Anywhere allows access via Netgear's cloud services.  I don't know anything about their security, how they connect, how they setup nor maintain the cloud infrastructure, etc and would rather not expose my network.  It looks like the phone app would authenticate via the Netgear cloud, then tunnel in somehow.

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    Bob DeRosier

    yes it is in AP mode.  As I recall, that meant I could give the Purple sufficient visibility into the traffic.

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    If you can find the IP of the Orbi base station you can login using a web browser at

    If your Firewalla is doing the routing the firewalla app will show the assigned IP.  Or any lan scanning software will do.

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    Bob DeRosier

    I would have done that if my brain was fully online at the time.  I will check it the next time I am out and about and the cable connection is up.

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    Michael Bierman


    I see what you are saying now. You can use the web even though you can't use the orbi app. 

    The threw me off as that will not get you to the Orbi devices. :) 

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