Firewalla Gold - Devices Keep Rejoining Google Wifi Mesh
Hello Everyone,
I recently purchased Firewalla Gold and set it up in router mode with my Google Wifi mesh network as described in this post:
Everything was working great until about the time the most recent update to Firewalla was pushed out to my device. I noticed I was getting a number of notifications from Google Home that devices were joining my Wifi network. I checked Google Home and sure enough there were 14 devices connected. I then checked the network setup in Firewalla for the LAN created for Google Wifi and noticed that the DCHP start and end address were no longer limited to allowing just two other devices on that LAN.
I then changed the password on Google Wifi to knock all the devices off, I unplugged the two additional Google AP's, I changed the DHCP setting in Firewalla for that LAN so the start address is .2 and the end address is .3. I then plugged each AP in one by one, once they were up and running, last I changed the password back.
That seemed to work for about 24 hours, I am now getting notifications from Google Home that devices are joining the network, I checked and the Firewalla DHCP settings and the DCHP settings are still limited to two devices. When I look at the devices that are present in Google Home, they do not appear to have an IP address, but claim to have a great connection and the app can check the connection plead.
Any ideas regarding what is going on?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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