Edit mute settings
I recently grouped some devices together, and now want to change some Abnormal Upload alarm mutes from one device to the entire group.
The only option on the Android app is to delete the mute.
While there is some ability to edit the mute via the web interface, I can't change it to apply to a group, only "All Devices" or a specific device. I would be willing to manually edit something via ssh if that's what it takes.
Sorry for the inconvenience, the app doesn't support editing mute settings currently.
Our developers are customer-driven, if you want the ability to edit mute settings, the best way is to post it here: https://help.firewalla.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/115000356994-Feature-Requests-. Once a feature reaches enough votes, we will be able to look at it and insert it into our development cycle.
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