Can I use my own hardware?



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    Michael Bierman

    So far Firewalla has said this isn't feasible when this has come up in the past. I can see why. Testing effort goes through the roof when customers bring their own hardware. Instead of knowing the hardware they are dealing with Firewalla has to deal with unknowns in terms of quality and configurations. Also, if I penciled out my best guess what it would likely cost to cover the extra effort of supporting this with a license very few customers would be wiling to pay enough to make it worthwhile. 

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    I’m also interested… I have an apu2c4 board with opnsense installed. I would like to try Firewalla on it. Or some suggestions about use opnsense as main firewall and Blue+ (I have one) as dhcp and dns server for opnsense.
    Thank you!

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