MSP Dashboard remodel



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    Having just one box as a home user the dashboard is currently not very useful.

    It would be great to see:

    - Top Devices (Selectable sort: Upload/Download/LiveTraffic)

    - Top Sources

    - Top Destinations

    - Top Alert Categories

    - Option to hide/move parts. Next step: make it fully customizable using widgets

    But what I am really looking forward to is more fancy dashboards/graphs/insights based on flows (both default & custom), e.g. like what Unifi provides.

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    @jeehaa, the home user dashboard will be a per device/firewalla dashboard. (where you zoom in) This is more of a summary of many (potentially) firewalla

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    Flexibility is adding/removing the widgets would be great. As you will see from the feedback you get, everyone is going to want/need something slightly different and the ability to manage the widgets displayed would be the most powerful change you could make.

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    The dashboard will likely to be widget based as we move forward. These are just the initial widgets that will show up.

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    Will we eventually also get custom dashboards where we can slice & dice flow data into graphs and tables? For example: show top devices or domains by upload/download/flows/blocks/region, or plot # specific flows/data (Y) for a device over time (X, freely selectable time range)?


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    Slicing and dicing may happen later for sure.  I think the guys added better searching on the msp interface for sure. It can do a lot more since data is close to the web server

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    Thanks, even being able to use a custom time range together with additional filters would already be a big improvement! The current time selection is limited to fixed 1h blocks, which can be very unconvenient, you should be albe to select any range you need.

    One suggestion for the date/time range selection (and maybe also for a dashboard global time range): besides the current "Last <60m/24h/30d>" options add some additional defaults, like 3h/8h/3d/7d and also "Today" (=since 0:00)

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    And would it be possible to save the Dashboard selection for the next session? I would like the start Dashboard to default to my Purple instead of "All Boxes" (home user with just one box).

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    I'd like to see throughput on the main page, or be able to add or remove widgets so the main page can be customized on what the user wants to see

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