Firewalla Feature: Smart Queue




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    What if I have this:

    1. Group A: All Internet traffic set priority Normal, Bandwidth unchanged (so unlimited)
    2. Group A: Game traffic: Bandwidth set to 512kbps

    So does Game traffic actually get reduced to 512kbps or does the "All Internet" match first and set all bandwidth to unlimited? So it's unclear on the rule priority for different traffic targets on the SAME group/device.

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    How are these rules prioritized when they may be in conflict? So say I set a smart queue rule to limit video sites to 5 Mbps for all devices all the time. But then I have a second rule to limit video sites to 2 Mbps for all devices daily only between midnight and 6 AM... Will the more restrictive rule be prioritized when in effect as they would otherwise both seem to both apply simultaneously ...

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    Support Team

    This is a very good question. In the current version, it's first-match, only the first rule matching the traffic will take effect. So it's not the more restrictive rule, and it's not "both apply" either.

    The way to adjust the order of rules are not provided in the app, as we want to simplify the way how rules are used. We may come up with a better way in the future release.

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    Good to know. Another option would be to have some intelligence that would identify rule overlaps/conflicts and disallow saving of the second rule until the overlap is eliminated (in my example, this could easily be accomplished by defining two non-overlapping time periods).

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    Support Team

    Got it. Thanks for the suggestion. Well noted.

    Yes, I think we can do something about it.

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    Matt Barker

    Wish this was available on Red, especially since the advisor pointed me to Red based on my ISP speed (thanks rural America!). Any chance this will be able to be added to Red, or is this a limitation on CPU?

    Is there anything showing what the difference is between this feature on Gold and Blue Plus?

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    This feature will not be on the red due to memory + CPU limitations.

    The blue plus only has the fairness algorithm, it can not do shaping or prioritization.  Shaping + prioritization requires a physical in and out port.

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    Matthew Garbarino

    If my modem supports AQM (e.g. Motorola MB8611) should I prefer using that over Firewalla's AQM,  disable the model AQM and use Firewalla's AQM, or leave both enabled?  

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    Is CAKE still not recommended for higher bandwidth WAN connections? And if so, why? Thanks.

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    The only feedback we got is at lower rate (10 to 40 mbit) CAKE is useful. Beyond that, no one has told us anything. 

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