VPN Client




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    This is confusing. I am in beta mode and cannot find a VPN Client button on the Firewalla app. Can you be more clear as to the steps required to access this Button?

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    The Box & App should both be in Beta to use this feature.

    Go Settings->Advanced -> Beta program, switch on "Join Box beta program"

    If you are using iOS, make sure you have installed the latest version App 1.31(15) from TestFlight. 

    If you are using Android, the feature is coming shortly after, please be patient.


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    Daniel Wren

    Was wondering when the ability of username and password authentication be available?

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    I downloaded the OpenVPN profile from my NordVPN account and imported it into the Firewalla app. The issue is that your app allows saving the NordVPN profile password but not the username so I cannot connect.

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    @Daniel, @Alamosoft


    Sorry for the trouble. We are working on it. No committed date on that yet. We have a bunch of features coming together...



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    Augustus Ho

    Is there an example on how to create a new profile if I want to use a 3rd party VPN provider?

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    Usually the ovpn file should be provided by the 3rd party VPN provider instead of writing your own.


    And you can import the ovpn file or create a new profile (and copy/paste the content). We'll make a video on that soon.


    And please be aware that this is still beta and username+password is not supported yet.





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    Michael S

    Hi Firewalla Team,

    if I SSH into /home/pi/.firewalla/run/ovpn_profile

    could I place an ovpn and auth file in that folder that the firewalla device would recognize?

    I have a 3rd party VPN but it requires Username and Password.

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    Not really. There are a couple of other places need to update.


    I suggest you wait for our next release, which natively supports the username and password.


    The release will be pushed to alpha branch in next 1-2 days.



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    Michael S

    thanks Melvin!

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    Andy Taylor

    Just testing this now. On Android there is no option to import a profile, also when pasting one in, the "save" button stays greyed out.
    Using iOS is more successful, I can import a profile, did a UDP and TCP from NordVPN. Next I see that I need to move devices from simple mode to static IPs on 192.168 network, so I fix two of my devices, they now show on the overlay network, I enable them both, click save and it looks like it's working, but when I test my IP, they show my normal IP not the VPN address.

    Question, do I need a blue Firewalls for this to work?

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    Im beta user. When I clicked on to use 3rd party VPN, it didn't show me to import file. Only manual configuration is showed. If that's the case, how do we manual config it? Thank you.

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    Andy Taylor

    Ok I spoke too soon, I went out and came back home and t looks like it works now.

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    Andy Taylor

    Melvin, the latest Beta update (with notes "allows import of profiles") on Android still doesn't work. The import button now appears but when I browse to my Nord VPN UDP saved file, it's greyed out for me. Contrasting with my iOS experience, which works fine and am able to install a VPN profile fine. Just to add I'm  on Android 9 using a Motorola G6 

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    Thanks for trying. The import bug should have been fixed in latest version (2.44.26), please have a try.


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    Please upgrade to latest beta release (2.44.26), it has the import function.


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    Andy Taylor

    @Melvin Tu, newest beta works great! Thanks for the quick release. Great job!

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    Any tips for getting ProtonVPN profiles working? My profile is verified working using a different client, but when Firewalla connects it just disconnects after a minute or so. Is there a way to view the connection logs?

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    George Shafer

    I am trying to connect to ExpressVPN. I cannot load the configuration as my .ovpn file is greyed out.

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    Which app version are you using? It should be an old issue, and already fixed in latest app.



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    George Shafer

    I am using the latest beta version 


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    Can you send a screenshot of the import profile dialog, (which has the ovpn file in the window) to help@firewalla.com?


    I tried in latest beta and latest production app, it works.



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    David Koppenhofer

    Is there a way to use the 3rd party VPN service's DNS servers when connected via the VPN Client?

    I am in Simple Mode, with my device's IP manually set to the overlay, and its DNS server set to (my physical network gateway IP). Perhaps setting the DNS server to the Firewalla's overlay IP (

    Edit: setting the DNS server to the Firewalla's overlay IP seemed to work. When not using the VPN client, https://dnsleaktest.com/ says I'm using an AmazonAWS server, and when VPN is on, a different server whose location matches the location of my 3rd party VPN Server I'm connected to.

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    The DNS server of 3rd party VPN will be used automatically when VPN client is connected and VPN mode is turned on in device.


    When VPN mode is turned off in device, even if the device is still in overlay network and VPN client is still connected, it will NOT use the DNS server of 3rd party VPN. (Basically device traffic will not be sent through VPN)


    So do you want to use the 3rd party DNS server even if VPN mode is not turned on?



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    David Koppenhofer


    The DNS server of the 3rd party VPN was not used until I told my device to use the overlay DNS address ( instead of anything else.

    I agree that the 3rd party VPN DNS should only be used when the device is using the VPN client.

    I was just pointing out that I didn't see any instructions on how to ensure the 3rd party VPN service's DNS server was used. (My Android defaulted to using Google's DNS when I set up the static IP, and using the physical DNS address didn't switch to the 3rd party VPN when I enabled it for the phone)

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    This doesn't sound right. It should be reroute to VPN DNS as long as your are using overlay network.

    Can you send remote support to help@firewalla.com so that we can take a look?




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    David Koppenhofer


    I think it's working as it should. Until I specified my phone's DNS server to be the Firewalla overlay IP, the DNS didn't change when activating the VPN client for my phone (in the Firewalla app).

    If that doesn't sounds right, let me know, and I'll see about setting up the remote support love.


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    Yes, please share remote support to help@firewalla.com




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    Start heavy test on using ProtonVPN! At the moment this is the way which make it work on Firewalla BLUE!
    Stay tuned!
    Platform: Router
    Protocol: UDP
    Config: Server Config >> select country and click on download near to download profile!
    INFO: Manual import profile as the Android App didn't import it automatically no matter if you click import profile! Manual import is working well and the config is readable as well!
    Name your profile and put the required username and password!

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    Hello Firewalla Team.

    I am struggling to configure the VPN client with ProtonVPN.

    Using iOS app.

    I downloaded from ProtonVPN the ‘Router’ and ‘UDP’ config file, as Ernesto highlighted in comment above. However once imported the config and entered username and password I receive an ‘Invalid Content’ pop up in the app and cannot progress further.

    Any advice appreciated.

    Kind Regards


    I found a solution, I edited ProtonVPN's configuration file. I removed all but one of the lines that lists the same IP address but different ports.

    i.e. From this

    remote xx.xxx.xxx.xxx 80
    remote xx.xxx.xxx.xxx 443
    remote xx.xxx.xxx.xxx 4569
    remote xx.xxx.xxx.xxx 1194
    remote xx.xxx.xxx.xxx 5060

    to This

    remote xx.xxx.xxx.xxx 1194

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