Router Mode and Bridge Mode
Firewalla Gold and Firewalla Purple work best in Router Mode and Bridge Mode. These two modes are compatible with any device.
We highly recommend that you use these modes to get the most out of your Firewalla unit. Please see our articles on Firewalla Bridge Mode or Firewalla Router Mode for more information.
Simple Mode and DHCP Mode 
Simple Mode and DHCP Mode are popular for the Firewalla Red/Blue/Blue Plus. However, please note that support for these modes may be reduced soon.
Please see the Simple/DHCP Mode compatibility guide for more information.
If you want to learn more about how Firewalla modes and what mode to use, please see our article on Firewalla monitoring modes.
Hello I have a question about the dns
I have a router working with DNS of OpenDNS exist any trouble with this?
Hi Willie,
No troubles. Firewalla will just use any upstream DNS configured in your router. I see this is a complement between Firewalla and OpenDNS
Simple mode does work on a Netgear R6400 v2 with DD-WRT flashed.
Linksys EA9500 / Firmware Version: / Simple Mode - works
works on my MikroTik
From our user Edgewater 4550, not compatible with simple mode
From our user: Netgear R6300 works perfectly
anyone tested orange rrouter :
Works fine on AVM Fritz!Box 6490 Cable and 7490 DSL in simple mode.
Works with my MediaLink Router very well. I can block or allow ip addresses with the beta version of the software. I would not have prefered to have the software without the allow feature, thats because I wanted this to protect my own web server. I use Firewalla plus Iptables on my Raspberry Pi computers. I only like my cell phone and my other computers to access the wbe severs on my Pi computers. But if I want to share my audio files I just have to enter the allowed ip address on the firewalla.
Anyone got Samsung / SmartThings Connect Home (or connect Home pro) Wifi Mesh working with any of the Firewalla modes?
Good morning, I would like to purchase the Firewalla Bule Plus, but I don't see my FRITZ!Box 7530 router among the compatible routers. Could you confirm that it is still configurable in DHCP mode or other way? Do I lose any functionality? if so, which ones?
AVM Fritzbox 6591 on fw 7.21 work perfectly in Simple mode (Firewalla Blue in Beta fw 1.9171)
Has anyone setup the Firewalla Blue Plus with a Linksys EA8300? I don't see it mentioned on the compatibility list as a Yea or Nay.
Firewalla Blue + works perfectly with Netgear Nighthawk RAX70 in Simple Mode.
I have just received my T-Moble, 5G gateway. I wanted to know if Firewalla Red would work with it. You cannot disable DCHP. In fact, you cannot do much of anything except use it as is. This is why I want to get a Firewalla product. It is the:
NOK 5G21 Gateway
HW ver: 3TG00739B
PN: 3TG00779AA RV: BB
Thank you.
ASUS RT-AX88U working fine no issues.
Linksys EA8300 works with Blue+ perfectly.
I think the DHCP cells for eero v1 and v2 also need to point to the "LIMIT-DHCP" information. At least I had to when I was using Blue with eero v2.
The list says Huawei hg659 doesn't work in simple mode, but I just tested by turning off ARP attack protection and looks to be working. Am able to block internet on 1 device and its showing the traffic as well.
Anyone have experience using a Firewalla Blue Plus on the AT&T Fiber BGW320-505?
@rolando This compatibility page only apply to simple/DHCP modes. If you have the Gold and it is in the router mode, all you need to worry about is to make sure the Deco can be in AP/Bridge mode. That's pretty much yet. (only very very few WiFi you get can't do AP/bridge mode)
Great thank you. That’s a relief. I’ll reply back once I get everything setup. I don’t expect delivery until another week or so.
I'm happy to report that my FW Gold does work with my new TP-Link Deco XE75 Pro AXE5400 Mesh System in Router Mode on the FW Gold with AP Mode on the TP-Link.
My new Xfinity XB8 in bridge mode works with FWG. Can't wait for the new FWG+ so I can leverage my 2GB speed.
Just had Metronet fiber installed, and I have a Google Nest Wifi Pro as my home mesh connected directly to the Metronet ONT.
I would like a VPN as well as advanced firewall and family controls. What's the best product to place between the ONT and my Google WiFi mesh parent router?
Hi Brian,
Gold or Purple series will match your needs.
Since Google wifi mesh can't be turned on bridge mode. You can follow these setup guide:
Thanks @Firewalla! I do have the option to put an eero Pro 6E router back into the system between the ONT and my Google Mesh, and it does operate in Bridge Mode. Note my Google WiFi Pro is also 6E.
Would this offer better functionality?
Thanks again!
Hello, i just recently upgraded from a Netgear Orbi mesh to a TP-Link XE75 Pro and the Firewalla Blue i have had for a few years doesn't seem to work correctly with it. when i plug it into the network in simple mode, i start losing satellites and devices that were already connected.
Is my new router supported? cant seem to find this information
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